Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Opinions, opinions! What's a person to do?

Well, Pastor did it again and he mentioned that O word. It's right up there with that b word...balance. Both of them seem to cause a ruckus on my deeper parts. Anyways, we have got to be careful of our opinions. I am beginning to think that is the gist of what I am hearing. Apparently, people hear our opinion and are swayed by what we think. Nobody I know is swayed by my opinion. The people I hang out with are very opinionated and are usually the first ones to tell me that my opinion is wrong and their's is right. Which of course is up for debate. I learned a long time ago if intense fellowship lasts longer than 10 minutes, say okay, shut up and they will think they are right and you will know that you are right. It's just not worth loosing a friend over. But, when we are talking about the Word of God, we better make sure we have it in context. The only thing is, now we have 300 different translations, most of them say something totally different than the other one and then there you are. Which one do you go with? Now the older generations know that King Jimmy is the only way to go. I personally like the Complete Jewish bible, considering it is translated by a Jew who speaks Hebrew, so I figure he probably knows more what the Word is saying, than some old English guy. But that is simply my opinion. I find that I am wondering why did God give me this mind if I'm not allowed to have an opinion and if I have an opinion and share it with someone than I may be in some serious trouble.

When I started this blog, my first blog was my blog, my opinion. This is an outlet sometimes, I need one. If you notice I don't have a lot of posts because, I guess there is just not that much that I have to say.

Tonight though, I am a little perturbed and a little frustrated and this seemed like a good way to blow off a little steam. Though opinions are not what I am upset about it seemed like the best subject for the time being. By the way.... this is my blog and my opinion. If you have an opinion please leave it outside the door. There is rooom for only one opinion here and it has already arrived.....

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