Tuesday, May 13, 2008

My blog, my opinion

Well, you know I have written a couple of things here and within 5 minutes of posting them I deleted them. Why? Because I did not want anyone to comment and say anything that would aggravate me, hurt me, fire me up, etc. So, as I was talking to my accountability partner today and my very best friend I might add, I decided my blog would be a comment free zone. If I write something that you think is controversial or puts a bee in your bonnet, you will have to write your own blog, you will not have a forum on mine. HA!!! I am feeling little like IMUS! Only I can't hang up on you, but this is just as good.

The whole thing with the blog is to state what we feel, I think. I am giving you an opportunity to live in my brain for a moment. I am not trying to make you believe what I believe, convince you to think like I think. Think of it like a moment in the twilight zone, while your there you have no control. Things are the way they are.

If you never read my blog that is okay too! Because I am me and you are you!! And guess what? If no one ever reads it, I won't know and my feelings will not be hurt!! SERIOUS DAMAGE CONTROL!

Have a great night,
Rod Serling