Thursday, October 9, 2008

President Elect Obama

Threats to our President Elect....Do you have a problem with that? I must admit, I did not vote for Mr. Obama, but things are what they are and he will be seated in the Presidential seat in January. I am appalled at the audacity of people who call themselves Americans, who would dare to threaten the man who will be the governing authority in our country.

If you are a Christian and have muttered threats or cheered when someone has made a threat, shame on you!! If you claim to be a Christian and are joining hate groups and believe in division of the races. NEWS FLASH!!! YOU ARE NOT A CHRISTIAN!!! YOU ARE DECEIVED! and still shame on you!

What are we as Christians supposed to be doing? How 'bout praying!

I Timothy 2:1-3 First of all, then I cousel that petitions, prayers, intercessions and thanksgivings be made for all human beings, including kings and all in positions of prominence; so that we may lead quiet and peaceful lives, being godly and upright in everything. This is what God, our Deliverer, regards as good; this is what meets His approval.

I Peter 2:13-17 For the sake of the Lord, submit yourselves to every human authority-whether to the emperor as being supreme, or to governors as being sent by him to punish wrongdoers and praisse those who do what is good. For it is GOD'S WILL that your doing good should silence the ignorant talk of foolish people. Submit as people who are free, but not letting your freedom serve as an excuse for evil; rather submit as God's slaves. Be respectful to all - keep loving the brotherhood; fearing God and honoring the emperor.

God has given us direction in what He desires us to do concerning matters with those in authority over us. The Scripture tells us that the heart of the King is in the Hand of the Lord, He directs it like a watercourse wherever He pleases. Proverbs 21:1 (NIV) The Word also tells us that Promotion comes from the Lord (Psalm 75:7)

We may not like the political workings and their outcome. But, once the deal is done, the ballots counted, the announcements made, we must continue in the ways of the Lord. WE are responsible to pray for our Commander in Chief. Can we stand in the gap and pray for Godly counsel for our new President? Can we be like Esther and fast and pray for our countrymen? Can we humble ourselves, repent and pray and turn from our wicked ways and seek the Lord on behalf or our government, our country and it's people? I believe we can and I believe God tells us to.

Throughout the Bible there were ungodly leaders and God's people made a difference in those leaders lives and in the lives of those countries. God's still the same, He never changes. Do we believe it though? Do we believe we can stand in the gap and pray for our President to have an encounter with God and turn things around for our country? I do. I believe it's the Father's desire to grant us His mercy and peace. I believe it's His desire to see America a nation after His own heart.

We have to swallow our pride, our OPINIONS and our fears and start praying. Things are what they are. Hold on to Jesus and do what He tells you to do Also, pray for those who would dare to make threats on our President Elect. Pray for their souls and pray that the evil intents of their heart would not move them to action.

Pray for Mr. Obama's protection and for the protection of his family. Pray that any plots or evils schemes targeting the Obama's would be exposed and halted. We have heard it said many times that prayer turns the hand of God. I do know that prayer can cause the Lord to change His mind, but, if prayer turns His hand we must remember that the Kings heart is in that Hand.

God Bless and God Save America!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Opinions, opinions! What's a person to do?

Well, Pastor did it again and he mentioned that O word. It's right up there with that b word...balance. Both of them seem to cause a ruckus on my deeper parts. Anyways, we have got to be careful of our opinions. I am beginning to think that is the gist of what I am hearing. Apparently, people hear our opinion and are swayed by what we think. Nobody I know is swayed by my opinion. The people I hang out with are very opinionated and are usually the first ones to tell me that my opinion is wrong and their's is right. Which of course is up for debate. I learned a long time ago if intense fellowship lasts longer than 10 minutes, say okay, shut up and they will think they are right and you will know that you are right. It's just not worth loosing a friend over. But, when we are talking about the Word of God, we better make sure we have it in context. The only thing is, now we have 300 different translations, most of them say something totally different than the other one and then there you are. Which one do you go with? Now the older generations know that King Jimmy is the only way to go. I personally like the Complete Jewish bible, considering it is translated by a Jew who speaks Hebrew, so I figure he probably knows more what the Word is saying, than some old English guy. But that is simply my opinion. I find that I am wondering why did God give me this mind if I'm not allowed to have an opinion and if I have an opinion and share it with someone than I may be in some serious trouble.

When I started this blog, my first blog was my blog, my opinion. This is an outlet sometimes, I need one. If you notice I don't have a lot of posts because, I guess there is just not that much that I have to say.

Tonight though, I am a little perturbed and a little frustrated and this seemed like a good way to blow off a little steam. Though opinions are not what I am upset about it seemed like the best subject for the time being. By the way.... this is my blog and my opinion. If you have an opinion please leave it outside the door. There is rooom for only one opinion here and it has already arrived.....